The two-person show consists of a large video projection by Alina Yakirevitch and six spatial photograms by Martine Flor.
Farm animals in bucolic settings lull in their styes and pens, nurse their young, and sniff each other. Their days, activities, and environs are distinctly animal, but seem controlled, restrained, even humorous. The restraint and seeming jokes we see paw at the human-made distinction between them-self, their home, and the rest of sentient creatures.
‘This project was initiated in the winter of 2020 and lasted about two years. I was compelled to investigate the relationship between my body and animal bodies, especially those who are physically larger than myself, and who are not pets but rather those who live amongst their kind. Therefore, my interactions with them were not based on a pre-condition of habits such as petting or mutual care seeking. If there was touch or closeness, they were of a non-scripted and unexpected nature. In the process of making this film I used a GoPro camera for its small size and because it doesn’t need to be held while shooting, so that the camera could be placed in various positions in relation to the animals’ bodies. This way I could capture the subjects from up close without causing them distress’
– Alina Yakirevitch
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